Jun 4, 2024

Brian and Kaitlin | El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer


El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer

Brian and Kaitlin

“Brian and I met online. We then had our first date at Zocalo in Folsom where we started realizing how much we had in common. We must have stayed at the restaurant talking until they were about to close. It was truly love at first sight.”

Folsom Engagement Photographer Folsom Engagement Photography

“Kaitlin is the love of my life. She’s beautiful, kind hearted, smart and funny. There isn’t a day that passes where I don’t get emotional thinking about how much I love Kaitlin. From the moment I met her, I could picture the rest of our lives together!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement

“Everything! There is nothing that I don’t love about Brian. Brian is the most caring, loving guy that I have ever met. Brian is so positive and uplifting to everyone around him. I am so grateful to have met Brian and am beyond blessed that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photos

“The perfect day is going on some kind of adventure together, cooking homemade meals, and making each other laugh all night long!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Portraits



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