Mar 28, 2017

Brittany and Dan | Folsom Engagement Photographer

Sacramento Engagement Photography

The Proposal

“Well I had the ring for about a month because i was sitting on it waiting for our trip to Monterey. We were headed to Monterey with our friends, Jason and Damaris, for a weekend out of town. I was trying to keep it a surprise for a month and even when I asked her dad for his blessing, I told him not to tell Mary, her mom. Mary sucks at keeping secrets. I was hoping to do it the first day we got there at the beach but she decided she wanted to go to the beach the next day. I was nervous and just wanted to get it out of the way so I could enjoy the weekend without being nervous the whole damn time. We eventually made it to Asilomar State Beach and I had told her earlier in the weekend I wanted to go to the tide pools with her. I was planting the seed early. We got there and I said “Lets go to the tide pools.” She, being the major pain in the ass she is, replied, “No. I’m gonna take a nap.” So she proceeds to take a 2 hour nap on the beach while I’m trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do now. I think “Well the tide pools are on the way back to the car. I’ll just do it then.” So as we pack up and begin to head back to the car, I start to head up the way which goes by the cliffs and tide pools. She says “I’m not going that way. My feet hurt. I’m gonna go this way…” while pointing at the stairway up to the road which, mind you, is in the opposite direction. So now I’m super frustrated with her at this point and I say “Noooooooooo… We ALLLLLLLLL are going this way.” She puts on the pouty face and reluctantly says “fine.” We walked up to the cliffs, I asked her to drop the stuff she was carrying and I pulled her off the trail and all she could say was “What are you doing?” I asked her, she said yes.” – Dan

Sacramento Engagement Photographer

“I love that we laugh at the same stuff and have a very similar sense of humor. Even while trying to answer some of these questions we’ve been laughing hysterically while she laughingly says “no don’t put that.” We enjoy doing a lot of the same things and she enjoys when i’m my usual goofy self. I love that she gets along with almost anyone but doesn’t take crap off anyone either. I love that where ever we go we always have fun together because I just enjoy being with her. “

Sacramento Engagement PhotographerFolsom Engagement PhotographerFolsom Engagement Photography

“There’s so much I love about Dan! I can always count that he will make me laugh. I love that he has such a caring heart. He’s always there if someone needs him. Our life is never a dull moment. Our relationship started out very spontaneous and has continued to be that way. I love that everyday is an adventure for us.”

Folsom Wedding PhotographyFolsom Wedding Photographer

“Standing across from each other, exchanging our vows and becoming husband and wife. It’ll be nice to see all our family and friends come together as well.”

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