May 17, 2022

Carina and David | Davis Engagement Photographer

Sacramento Engagement Photos

“David planned a fancy dinner in San Francisco, our first one since the pandemic. I was excited to get dressed up and spent the entire week before just going through my entire closet, I got tired and picked out just a random option. When we started driving there he said he wanted to show me something at Golden Gate Park, and exhibit, which is normal for him. When we got there, there was a beautiful set up of balloons and roses surrounding. picnic blanket under a giant tree. He got down and discussed our relationship timeline, all of our special moments, all of our hard times where we grew stronger together, and he proposed. As everyone clapped, I noticed two photographers and then noticed a pregnant belly that looked familiar. 7 of our best friends came to watch and celebrate the proposal. It meant so much that they drove from LA to be with us for this moment. It was such a perfect moment.”

Sacramento Engagement Photographer Sacramento Engagement Photography Davis Engagement Portraits

“I love how he pays attention to my habits and is always catering to them. He’ll notice the way I prefer my beverages and makes sure I always have it that way, he’ll notice the way I like to be covered in a blanket immediately after dinner and have it ready for me, etc. He’s definitely more adventurous, and its wonderful experiencing biking through Southern California, bouldering, traveling, exploring fancy restaurants with him. The thing I love the most is how much he loves and respects the people around him, and you can tell how much it means to them because they are constantly bending over backwards to give back to him too.”

Davis Engagement Photography

“I love that she will go out of her way to be kind. It’s sort of cliché to call someone kind or nice, but life has taught me that true kindness is surprisingly rare. I also love that she is willing to push her comfort zone sometimes, when she knows it’s important to me.”

Davis Engagement Photographer



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