Pheww what a year! BUSY, but so much fun in every way. Thank you for coming along for the ride and being an amazing support. Wishing you love and joy during this holiday season! Can’t wait to put our 2021 BTS post together for you soon. Merry Christmas!
With a eye for fashion/design and newly graduated, Gabi needed rebranding and updated lifestyle headshots
If you are thinking of updating your head shots, I would love to chat with you. Whether in studio or outdoors my sessions are quick and include digital files.
Right before shelter in place began, I photographed Brenda’s business re-branding session. You know when you chat with someone over the phone or in person, you just feel their beautiful spirit. I felt that with Brenda. She is a certified Life Coach by profession and even though I didn’t have a sit down with her, […]
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