Aug 30, 2024

Dustin and Janelle | Lake Tahoe Engagement Photographer

Lake Tahoe Engagement Photographer

Dustin and Janelle | Engagement Session

“Dustin told me his company was awarded a job in Tahoe (not a lie) and they had a groundbreaking ceremony (lie) and asked if I wanted to go with him. He suggested making an afternoon of it and going to lunch where we had our first date before the ceremony. We drove up, had lunch and he suggested we walk around the beach until it was time to go to the ceremony. “Janelle did her best to ruin it,” adds Dustin. I was cold, didn’t want to be late for the fake ceremony, and did not agree to walk near a private beach with posted signage. Little did I know, he was trying to direct me away from a crowd and toward his friend, who was hiding, taking pictures. I was shocked when he got down on one knee.
Happiest day of our lives (so far).”

Lake Tahoe Engagement Photography

“I love how she makes me feel. I love how supportive she is of me. I love how hardworking she is and how involved she is with her family. I love her sense of humor. I love how I feel like I can be myself. I love how she embodies the traditional values she was raised around.”

Lake Tahoe Engagement Portraits

“I love how hardworking he is and his work ethic. I love how safe and protected I feel with him. I love how he makes me feel, and how I can fully be myself. I love how family-oriented he is and how he would do anything for his loved ones, especially me. I love seeing him with my and his nephews and knowing what a great dad he will be.”

Lake Tahoe

“Seeing our family and friends together and having them witness us getting married and sharing the most special day of our lives with us.”



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