Aug 9, 2022

John and Stina | Pollock Pines Engagement Photographer

Pollock Pines Engagement Photographer

John and Stina

“John and I met at the end of May in 2018. We were at Dan’s (an Irish dive bar) with our kickball league after an evening of Kickball. I just wanted to find a boy to flirt with, but I told my friend Jill there were no cute guys there…. then I saw him! He was the cutest boy in the room. My friend sparked a conversation with him about his shirt, and then she walked away (such a good wing woman!) We talked for hours and shared our (beer fueled) first kiss at the bar. The rest is history.”

Pollock Pines Engagement Photography Pollock Pines Engagement Photos

“John is smart and he’s a hard worker. He takes such great care of our pup- he does most of the hard work with him (because he’s with him the most) and has never complained once about it. I can tell he will make an amazing father. Most of all he is loyal, and an incredible family man. He has an amazing relationship with his parents and sister. He would do anything for them, I know that will continue when he has a family of his own. Most of all, he makes me feel so so loved. More than I ever thought possible! I feel safe with him.”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photos El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer El Dorado Hills Engagement Photography

“I love the home, relationship, and trust we have built. I love the time and memories we have created and shared together. I lover her sense of humor, how caring and compassionate she is, and how understanding she is of me.”

El Dorado Hills Portrait Photographer

That it was the best party they had ever been to, and they they could feel our love.



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