Trent and Suni Do you remember their surprise proposal back in November? Well if you didn’t see it, click here. So happy for you Trent and Suni!
They were both out dancing and happen to spot each other from across the room… “We both looked at each other then looked away to no obvious. Then a few seconds later caught each other looking again, we then smiled at each other. After that we both made it to the same part of the […]
We are taking a moment to look back on some of our weddings and engagements from 2015! What an amazing ride it was… let’s do it again!
“We actually met on Tinder, as funny or odd as that may be. We both “swiped right” and started a conversation. Well, really he started the conversation, with, “I have been drinking heavily, but you’re awesome!” After chatting for a while via the app, we decided to meet for a lunch date. We immediately hit […]
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