Jan 16, 2024

Tim and Giselle | Sacramento Engagement Photographer

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer

The Proposal

“It was Tim’s birthday and we went to breakfast with his parents and brother and after breakfast we all went and watched Avatar. We had planned to go to dinner at the Chaminade (our wedding venue) with friends that evening to celebrate his birthday and I (Giselle) was super nervous about they time frame and being ready in time. But, we made it to the restaurant on time and enjoyed a nice dinner with friends and after dinner decided to walk to grounds a bit so Tim. Hold show all of us where he worked when he shot weddings there. As we walked he pointed out where previous couples had set up their wedding and then he got down on one knee and I thought he was joking around cause in the past he got down on one knee to tie his shoe as a joke, so I told him to stop being dumb and then saw the ring and yelled. He was very sweet and said the best birthday gift he could get was if I would be his wife!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photography

I love that he is sweet and caring. He is thoughtful and considerate. Before we got really serious, we had a mutual friend through a friend and I asked them to give me the low down on Tim and she said he’s the guy that takes care of everyone else when they all go out. That initially attracted me to him and it still does, he is the guy that makes sure everyone is taken care of and safe and happy. He will sacrifice his own time and comfort to make sure everyone else is enjoying themselves. He is patient and he is open, he works hard to be understanding. And he is also super funny and makes me laugh all the time! He is one of the only people I have ever met who has made me laugh but also made me think damn that was a clever ass joke!

El Dorado Hills Engagement

“I love the person she is. Her good looks are only outweighed by her kind heart and intelligence. It’s nice being comfortable in my skin with someone who shares so many interests and takes on things. It’s nice wanting so many of the same things and sharing the same ideals and beliefs. I can be myself and it’s easy to talk to her. She’s very considerate and empathetic as well as reasonable which are all incredible qualities to have in a partner. No one had made me feel the way she does and getting to have that for the rest of my life is priceless. She’s smokin hot too so what more could a guy ask for!”

Sacramento Photographer



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