the blog.

May 17, 2016

If you haven’t heard, I have a new studio space in Old Folsom.  I am now offering professional head shots to current and future clients. Let’s update that Linkedin image! Feel free to call or email to schedule your session. | 530-391-2266

May 10, 2016

Maira Eliza | March 04, 2016 | 9:47 am | 9 pounds 5 ounces, 20.5″

May 3, 2016

Photographers unite! My dear photographer friend, Nicole Cook put together a fabulous shoot with 6 beautiful high school senior models for an upcoming magazine article. The article will touch on the empowerment of collaborating with other photographers and will be published soon. Special thanks to Jessica of Polish and Pout and Danielle Parker on makeup.  Tandy Brows by […]

Apr 27, 2016

Vision Award | 1 st Place | Best in Wedding Photojournalism I’m pleased to announce that the image above won the Vision Award | Best in Wedding Photojournalism at the Shutterfest photography conference. The other images below also merited in their own categories also. 2nd Place | Wedding – Bridal Party 2nd Place | Wedding Photojournalism

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