Jan 4, 2022

Austin and Michelle | El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer

Sacramento Engagement Photographer Sacramento Engagement Photography

“I love how caring he is. He knows when something’s off with me or if I ever need anything. He is so patient with me even when I’m super annoying. He is just perfect in every way and I feel like I can talk to him about anything – even the dumbest things. He is the most loving person I know.”


Sacramento Engagement Portraits

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer

“I love her sense of humor, her caring and kind heart that is always focused on others and not her self. She is smart, like a lot smarter than me. And she is just the perfect girl in every way I never get bored with her for one second and I want to travel the world with my best friend by my side.”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photography

“Just seeing all of our loved ones all in one place celebrating with us on the happiest day of our lives!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Portraits



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