Apr 8, 2016

Cash Hayes | Folsom Birth Family Photographer

Davis Birth Photographer

Birth is an amazing event. It’s powerful. It’s … life changing. Hannah once again amazed us. Water broke at 10:28 pm and Cash was born at 12:23 am.

Davis Birth PhotographyWater Birth

This little guy is perfect. Alert and attentive right away.

Folsom Birth PhotographerFolsom Birth Photography

Roseville Birth Photographer

Cash Hayes, January 12th | 12:23am | 8lbs 14oz | 18 inches

Sacramento Birth PhotographySacramento Birth PhotographerUC Davis Birth PhotographerUC Davis Birth Photography

Mat and Hannah thank you for allowing me to be part of Cash’s birth. oxo


  1. […] to the world baby boy! To see Cash’s birth story…click here or Mat and Hannah’s maternity session… […]


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