Samson and Emily met online. They both felt that the other’s profile was “too good to be true” but on screen, they were totally the ideal person they were looking for. They both decided to jump, and were so glad they did.
Michelle, what do you love about your Austin? “I love how caring he is. He knows when something’s off with me or if I ever need anything. He is so patient with me even when I’m super annoying. He is just perfect in every way and I feel like I can talk to him about […]
Pheww what a year! BUSY, but so much fun in every way. Thank you for coming along for the ride and being an amazing support. Wishing you love and joy during this holiday season! Can’t wait to put our 2021 BTS post together for you soon. Merry Christmas!
How did you meet? I want details. “It was a rainy night. Laura was generously drinking for free at the bar she used to manage. It was her 23rd birthday. A very handsome man with a raincoat and backpack on, entered the bar following two of Laura’s regular bar customers. While the bar was transitioning […]
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