Oct 20, 2020

matt and ashley | lake tahoe engagement photographer

Lake Tahoe Engagement Photographer

Matt and Ashley

“Matt says our proposal was “perfect,” and it was. But I like to say that it was perfectly imperfect… for whatever reason, the stars aligned on that day (02.17.2020) and I agreed to go on a walk around Town Center when Matt mentioned it. I agreed to have pizza at Blvd 41, and I agreed that Darla could come. I’ll be honest, I’m not always up for bringing her to restaurants. On our loop, everything seemed completely normal and then as we crossed the street from Milestone to the former Bistro 33, he said, “So I finally figured out what I want for my birthday (which was coming up on 02.27)”, and I excitedly said “Oh really?! What is it?” since I felt like I had been asking him what he wanted for weeks. Then he responded with, “You…for the rest of my life.” In shock, I just stared at him down on one knee asking “Really?!” as Darla was wrapping herself around my legs with her leash, and then said “Yes!” People on the patio of Milestone cheered and Matt’s boss was then discovered as our secret photographer to capture the moment. So yes, it was perfect, but also amazingly imperfect. I’m just glad that for whatever reason I felt the need to throw on foundation before we left on our walk because I definitely had no expectations of a proposal!”

Lake Tahoe Engagement Photography Lake Tahoe Engagement Photos

“I love the way she looks at me when I’m being silly or getting in trouble. Kind of a sarcastic look like “Come on you 5 year old”. I love how organized she is. I’ve never understood the importance of organization and cleanliness until I met her. I love her funny and silly antics like breaking out singing our favorite song while cooking in the kitchen or driving around. Love that she is somewhat old fashion like myself. Family and tradition run deep in her family as well as mine. I love that we are both level headed and do our best to view things from both sides when communicating. I love the words of wisdom she gives even though I don’t want to hear them all the time. Love that she is honest, sometimes brutally honest. She does a great job at evening me out and being that other half I need to tackle this world, I love that! Last but not least, I love the way she looks. From her outfits to her hairstyle, she is so beautiful. Not sure what it is but some days she walks out of the bathroom after getting ready and I pause for a second and thank the Lord above for blessing me with her!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photos El Dorado Hills Engagement Photographer

Ashley, what do you LOVE about Matt?

“This is a hard question because there’s so many things! I would say my favorite thing about him is his patience. I am a Type-A perfectionist and I tend to get really stressed, sometimes going from 0 to 100, over tiny things just because I want them done a certain way. Anyways, he deals with my stress with such ease and ALWAYS brings me back down to Earth, letting me know that no matter what, everything will always be okay because we have each other. To add to this, Matt always makes sure that we never leave an argument unresolved. There’s times when I get irritated and walk off, not wanting to talk, and here he comes following me to get me to say what’s on my mind. I’m big on communication (heck, I majored in it in college!), but he ensures that our relationship always keeps open channels to talk, cry, and laugh. Now besides his good looks, and my genuine jealousy that he’s so naturally photogenic, I LOVE that he loves me so much… I can see it in his eyes and feel it in his hugs… he makes me feel like a queen at all times and I know he always wants to make me happy. I LOVE that he loves our dog, Darla, so much–he is such a good dog dad (his voices talking to her are the best)–and I know he’s going to be a great father to our kids one day. I LOVE that he’s a hard worker. I LOVE that he gets along so well with my dad. I LOVE his “dad” jokes. I LOVE his constant energy. I LOVE his happiness. I LOVE his desire to include as many people as possible. I LOVE that he loves celebrating birthdays. I LOVE his smile. I LOVE his hugs. I LOVE him. SO SO Much!”

El Dorado Hills Engagement Photography North Lake Tahoe Portrait PhotographyLake Tahoe Portrait Photographer


  1. Karen Bezilla says:

    The beginning of your beautiful journey together. May God bless you!

  2. Diana Bolton says:

    We live in an imperfect world,
    and thus,
    how you describe your relationship creates a perfect bond for a love that will last forever…❤️❤️
    Congratulations Matt and Ashley
    on your engagement !
    Sending you love & blessings.


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