Noah and Linneah Noah, what do you LOVE about Linneah? “I love her sense of humor, positive attitude, and her confidence in her own skin.” Linneah, what do you LOVE about Noah? “I love his kindness and willingness to put others’ needs before his own. I can always count on him to have my back […]
The Mendonsa Family
Jae’s Doljanchi It is tradition in Korean heritage that when a baby turns one, you celebrate. This tradition is called Doljanchi. The ceremony blesses the child with a prosperous future. The highlight of the celebration is when Henry was set in front of objects (called dol) to foretell his future career. Just liked his older […]
Zach and Kaitlyn The Proposal “Kaitlyn was coming home from college for the weekend and Zach showed up out front dressed in slacks and a button up. Zach had Kaitlyn close her eyes and he guided her into the house. When Kaitlyn opened her eyes, she saw “will you marry me?” in red rose flower […]
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