How did you meet? “I had just graduated college and was planning to move to San Francisco. I had responded to a Craigslist ad for 2 females and 1 male looking for a new roommate in the Marina neighborhood. I FaceTimed the 3 roommates for a virtual tour of the apartment and remember thinking the […]
These two are so sweet together! We happen to stumble on so graffiti on a rock that actually had Jacob and Ariel’s initials
Alise and David David, what do you LOVE about Alise? “I love seeing her smile when I get home from work . I love her quirky personality that is always entertaining. She is my best friend and my favorite person. Just seeing her makes me happy. I love her passion for teaching and her kindness […]
Josh and Jessica What was the first thing you thought of when you first saw each other? “I couldn’t stop smiling and I couldn’t wait to get to know him even more.” – Jessica “She absolutely sparkled, I couldn’t believe she was there to have dinner with me.” – Josh Josh, what do you LOVE […]
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